Thursday, September 22, 2022

My Group

     My groupmates and I have come together to discuss what we want to do for our first project. We all like listening to music and want to do something related to that. The teammates I chose are Aidan Jones and Victoria Newell. We have split the work evenly so each of us can contribute something of value. The writing, costuming, and general production will be done as a group effort.

    I will be doing most of the acting and bringing the props. My is job to convey the subtle emotion needed for the idea we have in mind. I think this will be easy for me because I always have my headphones on. I constantly listen to music, so making an ad about something involving it will be fun. I also plan on inviting many people I know to help us with filming, because one of our ideas includes a busy crowd.

    My sister, Victoria Newell, will be editing the commercial. I have seen her make things before and once she gets focused, she can pull off some amazing things. She will also be filming most of the project with the help of Aidan. Victoria has a creative mind that will help take our project to the next level. Her editing will really make our idea come together.

Victoria N.
My other groupmate, Aidan Jones, will be directing the project. He's going to be telling me and everyone else on set what to do. Aidan is going to help me bring our vision to life. He is a hard worker and good at coming up with things we can do. Together, we make a great team.

Aidan J.

Get to Know Me

     My favorite subject is culinary arts; I've been taking it since freshman year. I'm interested in possibly pursuing a culinary career in the future. I am also interested in sports medicine. 

    If I am not able to play collegiate basketball, I hope to incorporate sports medicine and culinary into my career. I've always been at least a dual sport athlete. I've been a really big sports fan for most of my life. I follow the NBA, NFL, and various soccer leagues around the world very closely. My favorite soccer league is the Premier League. My favorite team is Manchester City.

  Sports medicine and culinary could possibly parlay into a nutrition-based career for athletes. I hope whichever career path I choose allows me to travel across the world. I like a lot of different kinds of music. I got my first job in February 2022. 

    I almost always have headphones on while listening to something. It helps me to tune out the outside noise, I prefer to keep to myself. I have recently gotten my first facial piercing and I was really excited about it. I'm really looking forward to getting my first tattoo from my cousin.  I would like to be a sneakerhead but paying 300$+ for shoes my size plus shipping is something I do not look forward to. To the detriment of my wallet, my favorite shoes are Jordan, Doc Martin's, and Nike.  

Final CCR

 This is my CCR or Creative Critical Reflection based on our short film Spike of Luck