Thursday, February 23, 2023

Title Research: Art of the Title/ Watch the Title Websites

 Now that the general concept of our project has been worked out, the group set our sights on what the opening sequence should be like. The opening sequence needs to follow the guidelines of the genre, so I searched for several examples that we could follow. Though it was not easy to find good examples, I came across two websites that supplied me with several opening sequences that we could look like.

        The first site I came across was Art of the Title. Art of the Title is a website specifically made to house title sequences. It has title sequences from movies dating as far back as the 1930s. There is a page that shows all the title sequences of recently popular shows and films. Another page shows several directors and the clips that they have produced. These organizational methods made it easy to watch recently made title sequences. The title sequences available on Art of the Title made a pattern very clear to me. Directors usually have their own thing that differentiates themselves from others. Even when genres change, signature fonts, animations, and effects are present in their work.

    Another website that was utilized to watch title sequences was Watch the Titles. Watch the Titles not only provides the title sequences of over two hundred films, but it also offers interviews of people who work in the industry. These interviews gave me an inside look on what making these title sequences is like. Looking through the website really taught me the level of editing and animation that typically goes into opening sequences. Clips on Watch the Titles are organized based on what form of media they are in (movies,, shows, video games, etc). The website also categorizes clips based on their directors and the studios they come from. 


ing through the many title sequences featured on both sides gave me insight on something I generally don’t pay attention to when watching films. The title sequence is an extremely important part of setting the tone of a film. Its editing, sound, and overall content must convey the mood and genre of the piece. I watched title sequences for several films and came to the conclusion that the genre is a major component to what the title sequence will be like. With this information, I will continue my analysis of title sequences and come up with the best course of action for our project

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Final CCR

 This is my CCR or Creative Critical Reflection based on our short film Spike of Luck