Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Planning Blog


Because the product that we chose to advertise is beats headphones, the main prop in our commercial will be the Solo 3 Beats headphones. Other props in the commercial include a computer, possibly a cup of coffee, a car, a basketball, and the surrounding elements in each setting.


The subject of this commercial will just be Joshua, our lone actor, In this commercial, he will be seen wearing casual clothes, something similar to a t-shirt and some sweatpants. As we move along with the film he will be seen wearing more athletic wear as he begins doing activities such as basketball and running. An idea later on is to include the use of some of our friends as extras just to help wrap up the commercial in a smoother fashion. Their attire will also be seen as casual wear, as there is no need for them to wear any special costumes


10/4/22-Finish the researching, planning, and the storyboard for the commercial

10/5/-10/6/22-Begin the first day of production and establish how well the props, location, and storyboard work

10/9-10/11/22- Begin the second day of production and finalize all decisions and clean up al costumes and

rough drafts

from the first day

10/12/22-Start the editing process of the film and add all effects and non-diegetic sounds to the


Location List

Our starting location or main location will begin at a coffee shop. Our goal of the commercial is to show the activities of the day where one might be inclined to use their headphones. Creating numerous scenes where the use of headphones seems natural adds to the advertisement of the commercial.

After we are finished with the scenes in the shop, we will then travel by car to a park. The main setting of the park will be the basketball court, which we will use to highlight the more athletic side of beats commercials.

Backup. Plan

If the coffee shop is unavailable to use we have a couple of other options. If necessary we could possibly go to a Barnes and Noble or one of our houses to shoot the beginning sequence. If we cannot go to the park due to weather or other uncontrollable circumstances we will just have to shoot other daily aspects of lives where beats could be of use. One possible location is going to the mall, doing homework in a library, going to the gym, etc. If by chance one of us cannot direct we will simply use the other member in our group of three to finish the project.

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Final CCR

 This is my CCR or Creative Critical Reflection based on our short film Spike of Luck