Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Genre Research: Thriller


  • Panning Shot
  • Close up
  • Extreme Close up
  • Tracking shot

  • fake blood
  • prop weapons
  • CGI animals
  • Dark lighting
  • Setting in urban and suburban parts of a city

  • Non-diegetic (music scores, sounds used to add tension to the scene)
  • Diegetic (bees buzzing, screams, gunshots, police sirens etc)

  • zoom in
  • jump cut
  • cutaway 
Examples of Thrillers

  • The Black Phone
  • Barbarian
  • Don't Worry Darling
An element of thriller movies that I like in is character growth and development. I love seeing the backstories and how everything got to where it was.

I while I do like a good action-packed opening, I also enjoy seeing everything build up. I don't like when the whole movie is taken up with character growth and then the action is rushed into the ending of the film.

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Final CCR

 This is my CCR or Creative Critical Reflection based on our short film Spike of Luck